TOSI - Telephony Open Source Interface

Table of contents

Introduction to TOSI


The TOSI project aims to create tools that will make telephony easy for applications to use. It is being developed on and for the FreeBSD operating system. If you have a program that could usefully access telephony resources such as phones, modems, and Telephony Servers that communicate via an open protocol, then this software will be of use to you.

The primary component of the project is the TOSI library, and it's associated documentation, the TOSI API. As a simple example, if you wanted your calendaring application to call you at a specific time of day, you could use TOSI to simplify that operation. If you wanted to develop a complex screen-pop application for your call center, you could use TOSI to make that easy, too.

A secondary component of the TOSI project is a protocol implementation, called PSTC, that will allow the TOSI library, or any other software, to control servers. PSTC stands for The Protocol for Simple Telephony Control, and it will communicate signalling information such as client terminal settings and third-party call control. For example, your software could tell a SoftSwitch to "send all calls to voicemail", and "conference me in with Joe and Raj", using PSTC.


This project is sponsored by Walnut Creek CDROM, now BSDI, Inc., who contracted Open Source Telecom Corporation throughSourceXChange, to fullfill the TOSI RFP, which OST developed through a proposal into what you now see on Source Forge. The first draft of the PSTC protocol is being written by Rich Bodo, David Sugar, and David Rowe, and is based on the 1997 version of a protocol spec by Paul Davidson and Brian McConnel. The advisor for the project is Cullen Jennings.

The TOSI project is being released under the BSD license, which no longer contains an advertising clause, so it's compatible with use in GPL systems.


The following goals will be reached by December 31, 2000:

Get the Software

Software for this project can be downloaded via anonymous ftp from:

TOSI archive on sourceforge
TOSI archive on

You can check out all of the sourceforge resources for this project at it's sourceforge project page.

Release News:

Sep 5, 2000:
TOSI API Specification, PSTC Specification, and Ports of Bayonne, CommonC++, ccaudio, and ccscript are now available.

Mailing Lists

The following mailing lists are available:

TOSI-devel TOSI developers discussion list

CVS Access

To access the CVS repository for this project:

cvs login

cvs -z3 co modulename

The cvs web page is at CVS Web

Contact information

The current coordinator for the project is <>

BSDI OST SourceXChange SourceForge